Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mangled Metal Tournament

Well I have decided to not risk Dallas kicking me in the junk, since I am kind of fond of that part of my body. I stayed up last night putting the Deathjack together. I will post some pictures of this process a tad later. I think I deleted the picture where I was giving the Deathjack the finger when I realized I put its arms on wrong and had to tear them off.

More to come later.


cygnarbrian said...

LMAO! Seriously though, that sucks.

TheGreatBlah said...

Good thing, I come right after work and have my steel-toed boots on when we game... Don't worry though, I'll keep the toe polished up for you

Shaun said...

I'm playing. I just had to stay up late last night to get the deathjack respectable