Monday, April 20, 2009

Whelp Pale Ale's First Days

We cooked up the wort for Whelp Pale Ale on Saturday.  We had 5 hop additions during the boil and now it smells like hops in my office as the beer begins fermenting in the carboy.  I have filmed the stages of the creating the beer, and when I edit it I will try to get it on youtube and post a link.

I also like that my first comment from PPS_Kevin is on the post about the homebrew.  I kinda like that.  It sounds like at least one guy at Privateer Press likes his ales so full of hops that it kinda hurts.


TheGreatBlah said...

I hope you have emailed Kevin about said "deal" if you don't my boot might need to be re-polished and the aforementioned threat reinstated.

DO IT!!!

Shaun said...

I need to find he e-mail address. I will have to go to the privateer press forum and message him there.

K-Lark said...

Im a big fan of homebrew. Been looking in to starting it up myself.

my email is Kevin at privateerpress dot com :)