Thursday, April 16, 2009

Warmachine MK II Experience

I played my first game with the new MK II rules against John last night.   I forgot the camera so no pictures of this battle.  Here is the list I was running.

Goreshade and deathwalker
Bile thralls x6
bane knights x6
mechanithralls x6
Pistol wraith x2
bloat thrall
Darragh Wrathe
Gorman di Wulfe
Bane Lord Tartarus

John won the roll and chose to go first.  He moved up but not enough to where I could charge him with the Deathjack.  I moved up and unfortunately I was a little too close and the Deathjack was charged by the avatar that had 4 focus that turn.  The Avatar turned the Deathjack in a wreck marker.

The zealots took out a fair number of bile thralls but left me with three remaining.  Tartarus cursed the avatar and charged followed by charges from the bane knights.  They were able to get the avatar down to two boxes but not finish the job.   I moved Goreshade up and cast mageblight which meant no magic or feats within his control area.  I then popped his feat and had a unit of bane thralls charge the bastions.  I was fairly impressed that the thralls were able to take out the unit of bastions.  I figured this was my last ditch effort combining mageblight and feat.

eFeora and her bonded redeemer then lit a bunch of my stuff on fire.  eFeora moved up but was inside of Goreshade's control area and couldn't feat.  The avatar hit and destroyed a couple of bane knights which exploded and lit a couple more on fire.  Tartarus died that round.

I started my round by using vengeance and moving a couple of bane knights away from the avatar to give them a free charge lane to efeora.  I attacked the avatar with a couple that were on fire and then they immediately died.

I began to move biles thralls up to purge on efeora and John decided to concede the game at that point.  

Emotions started running a little high towards the end of the game which unfortunately made the experience unpleasant for both of us.  We always have to remember that this is just a game and if we stop having fun when we play maybe we should reconsider playing.  

John has already expressed an interest to have a rematch with the same lists and I doubt that he will make the same tactical error.  I believe the list I put together was not the best list for what I was facing since I was getting my undead ass handed to me.  I may tweak the list a little and see what happens.  I know that Darragh losing shadowride is a big deal.  I attacked a Seneshal and missed and I was screwed.  I couldn't run away I just had to sit there and take the whacks.

MK II rules will take a big of getting used to and I know that there are models that I don't have that are now good.  I may have to proxy a necrosurgeon with the mechanithralls and see how that goes.  I will need to take the seether and stalker for a test run as well.  The new rules are going to take some getting used to, but I think everything will work out.

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