Kimberly beat Chris with Legion in a 350 pt. match. Here are some pictures of the matches.
Below is the set-up for Kimberly and Chris' game.
This is the set-up for mine and Jason's Game
I'm not sure what round of the 75o game this was, but at this point it was starting to get hot and heavy. I was able to use my cankerworm to his full potential finally by using the defiler to get corrosion on his blessing of vengeance and then charging in with the Cankerworm.
I was trying to following Kimberly and Chris' game the best that I could but as you can tell from the pictures of my game I was a tad preoccupied. I believe that the picture below is of the final of the game when Kim hit Baltur with Hellsinger and then cast eruption of spines on him for the win.
Looks like it's time for her to play Cygnar! RAWR! That would be good training, but you don't want her to give up the game already do you? ;P
So Shawn I havent played a game against you in a long time. How about the undead hoards stare down the Might of Khador in 750 on Wed? I'm feeling some metal mini itching after playing magic so much.
I think we are starting the tournament on Wednesday which will be two 350 pt games.
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