Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sweet Victory! Round 2 Goes to Cryx

Just a quick update before calling it a night.  It was round 2 of the tournament tonight and I faced David who was fielding Legion against my Cryxian army.  We ended up playing the Killing Field scenario.  I won the roll and decided to go first.  We couldn't score points the first round, but at the end of round 2 the score was Cryx 3 Legion 2.  At the end of round 3 for me I had 5 points, and it looked like at best he was only going to be able to pick up one more.  He decided to try for the caster kill on Denny, he moved the Seraph up after using Lilith's feat and attacked Denny.  He boosted and needed an 11 to hit and rolled 10.  That ended his round, so at the end of round 3 it was Cryx 5 Legion 3.  I had one point already tied up with my Soulhunters, one point had so many models on it that I wasn't sure I could remove him, and then he had one with a harrier.  I moved Denny up and popped her feat.  I then cast crippling grasp on the harrier and after using venom from Denny and then again through the Skarlock the harrier was dead.  I moved  my Mechanithralls into place and it was game over.

So for my first tournament I am 2-0 so far, but I have a feeling that I going to meet some very stiff competition next week.


Bloomfield Cricket Club said...

Well done mate

Anonymous said...

Here is to you winning this thing! Good luck against Brian...probably next week I would think!!!

Shaun said...

Yeah, I'm not really looking forward to that. It is possible I could end up against someone else, but I highly doubt it.