Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday's Games

So Saturday had mixed results.  I played with Goreshade against the Testament of Menoth.  I was fielding a lot of new models, but I was very impressed with everything.  I did end up losing because I got hung up on using Mage Blight, and I missed an opportunity to soulgate the Deathjack right to the Testament.

The second game I was playing trolls because we traded armies.  I didn't really know what I was doing, but Dallas helped out a lot.  We ended up having to put a  hard stop on the game and John ended up winning King of the Hill with my Cryx army.  If it had come around to me one last time I I could have won because I was lining up to kill a caster or two. 

Great Saturday of gaming and combine a few beers in and a pretty good weekend.


Sephiroths Khador said...

nHey Shawn this is Adam. I wish I could have been there for that big game it sounds like it was a lot of fun. I like the idea we might have to do that one of these Wednesdays.

Shaun said...

Yeah it was a blast, it was pretty cool to put together an army that someone is going to play against you and fun to try out the other factions, especially since I ended up playing trolls.