Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday's Results

I showed up to John's a little later than I planned but I did get to see Scot and John finish their 350 pt. game. I'm pretty sure that Scot is hooked. Dallas then showed up and I was going to let Scot field a 500 pt cryx army against him, but Scot was going to have to leave so just watched the start.

This is the list I fielded:

500 pt. Deneghra List.

Deathripper (2)
Bloat Thrall
Bile Thralls (7)
Mechanithralls (6)
Pistol Wraith (2)
Gorman Di Wulfe

Dallas was fielding Privateer Mercenaries.

Broadsides Bart
Dirty Meg
Master Gunner Dougal
Ayanna and Holt
Mariner (2)

Well it was my first time playing a mercenary army. It was a good fight, but battling through the AOE's really took their toll on me. I was able to use the Bloat Thrall to take out Dirty Meg relatively quickly and with a combination of spells I was able to get the cankerworm to Bart, but he had popped his feat so I was at -3 to attack rolls. I was not able to do that amount of damage I wanted too.

In the end he brought all of the jacks to base to base with Deneghra and attacked. He missed with all attacks. Bart then charged and missed the charge attack but hit with the extra attacks. I survived and then went on the offensive. I cast crippling grasp and boosted and hit with the first attack and boosted damage but my rolls were less than spectacular. I was able to buy another attack but I missed. That was all I could do, the next turn Bart finished me off.

This was a good game and came down to hand to hand combat between the casters. Dallas said it was retribution for when I beat his Troll army a few weeks back. The mercenary army looked like it would be really fun to play with. I think that I may see a larger version of it in the tournament that starts later this week.

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