Friday, February 20, 2009

Get em hooked!

John and I have been working on getting another co-worker involved with Warmachine. John is going to have him over to his house tomorrow morning to teach him the ropes with the PoM. I am going to show up a little later and let him get a taste of Cryx. I unfortunately do not have enough models to let him borrow an army on a consistent basis, so he will most likely be playing as PoM for a while. I can at least let him get a taste of the undead and maybe I will get him hooked.

I am going to put together a 500 point list to let him play with and I'm thinking of fielding Deneghra and then a collection of bile thralls, mechanithralls, pistol wraith, the cankerworm and a few as yet to be determined goodies thrown in there.

I am also working on lists for the tournament which starts next week. I have enough speed to be competitive at most of the scenarios, but I'm worried I might not have enough fire power. When I get the lists put together I will post them.

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