Friday, January 23, 2009


I am headed off to lovely Manhattan, Kansas next week so I will not be playing Warmachine. I have however been thinking through a list I want to field. I have decided to go back to my first love of Cryx casters and put together a 750 pt list around Deneghra.

This is what I'm thinking

Deathripper (2)
Bile Thralls (10)
Mechanithralls (6)
Soul Hunters (3)
Pistol Wraiths (2)
Darragh Wrathe
Gorman di Wulfe

This list should definatley provide enough opportunities for corrosion for the cankerworm and with the debuffs that Denny's spells and feats offer it gives the slayer and mechanithralls a little more hitting power. I have been figuring out the Soul Hunters and Darragh Wrathe a little better each time I play and they are amazing and wiping out entire units of infantry or giving a jack a decent amount of damage if they have some soul tokens. The nightwretch can help provide some ranged ability withe AOE and Gorman can also come in handy in the sense. The pistol wraiths are my cold blooded assassins, well that is if they were living I suppose. I have been considering picking up a bloat thrall to add some ranged threat. I am hoping to pick up some new models over the next couple of months and along with the bloat thrall I am thinking it is about time for some weapon masters. I just have to decide if I want to go Bane Knights or Bane Thralls, it seems that majority suggest the Knights. I will also add Tartarus and possibly Lich Lord Terminus. I still need something with range and I have been considering Nyss Hunters for that purpose.


Anonymous said...

I get to face the withershadow combine for the first time shortly... I'm quite nervous... thankfully, my opponent doesn't even own Darragh ;)

Shaun said...

Let me know how that goes. I have been considering getting them as well just to help with upkeep spells and help with the occasional crappy roll that I have been known to have.

Anonymous said...

I think the real danger is their incredible mobility combined with stealth, and jack-wrecking capability (not to mention that they create new bonejacks mid-game)

Shaun said...

Yeah I have to admit that I could see that being the best use for my slayer, just holding onto it in case the combine gets an opportunity to create one.

Anonymous said...

I am damn scared of that list Shaun. I will have to try my Long Arm of the Protectorate list just to give me my best chance. I will be playing on Wednesday so watch the blog for what I will field...