Thursday, January 15, 2009

Khadorian Pink Army of Destruction

I played my first 750 pt game last night against Caleb who was fielding a lovely pink Khadorian army that he is painting for his wife. It was a very good game, but in the end the Khadorians came out on top.

The game started off with his widowmakers and epic Eryss trying to snipe off my bile thralls, but he moved them in a bit to close and I was able to advance and with one purge wiped them all out. The cankerworm went up pretty well against some of his smaller jacks and kept him tied up, the slayer was able to tie up a juggernaut, and then the soulhunters and darragh went to work on bohemeth and one of the smaller jacks. They were able to inflict a fair amount of damage and disable some weapons on the smaller jacks. The star agains the bohemeth were actually a couple of mechanithralls that went in and did 10 points of damage with steamfist combos.

I had everything perfectly lined up for the assassination run but I did not manage my focus well. I allocated focus to the cankerworm and slayer instead of having asphyxious hold it to boost hits and damage. I didn't realize how high defense Vlad is. I was able to get a pistol wraith in, but I was only able to hit with the first pistol.

It was a fun game and I came close, but yet again no victory.


Anonymous said...

Great game Shaun. Was he running eVlad or regular? Vlad is 100% badass. You did great! I am really looking forward to playing on Saturday. I think your squad is going to give me some serious problems.

Shaun said...

I believe it was just regular Vlad, I almost feel bad about taking out epic Eryss so soon because I wanted to see what she could do. She did disrupt my slayer for one round. He had this drunk merc that was pretty cool. I might look into getting him, his special abilities are like binge drink, hangover, all that fun stuff. I just can't remember his name. I did purchase Skarre, but had second thoughts on Doc. I won't be playing Skarre for a bit though. I want to get some stuff painted first.

Anonymous said...

Are you referring to Gudrun the Wanderer, Shaun?

Shaun said...

That's the guy, he was fairly tough. He is in one of the hordes books I believe.

Anonymous said...

Second Hordes book.

I have him to run in my Searforge list, but mainly just to get an Ogrun Bokur advance-deployed with a client that'll survive at least three turns ;)