Saturday, January 17, 2009

Double your pleasure....or pain, your choice.

Kim and I headed over to John's house this afternoon before grocery shopping and John and I had a 750 pt battle. This is the first time we have played each other at this point level, and only my second game at this point level. I fielded the list that from my previous post, and went up against a lot of Menite stuff that I'm not even sure what it was. This was a strange game with the zealots and bile thralls playing hide and seek behind a wall. Eryss hit my slayer with a disruptor bolt the first turn but I was able to get her with a couple of mechanithrall charges. I made a serious tactical error with my cankerworm and activated it for a charge prior to using the doomspitter on my defiler to get corrosion. This ended badly with my Cankerworm getting destroyed and the defiler as well. One of my pistol wraiths was able to take out Holt and this led to John pulling back Lady Ayana. The menite jacks did a pretty good job of taking care of my soulhunters, and the FoS put a beating on my slayer, but this time I was hell bent on the assination run with the pistol wraiths. I ran an arc node up and didn't realize that the devout had reach and all of the sudden my plan was shot to hell. I kept lobbing in Breath of Corruption and was able to inflict some damage. I was running out of ideas but popped Asphyxious' feat and dropped a couple more breath of corruptions and then used shadow wings to fly away. I brought the pistol wraith up and took a shot at Severus but the devout jumped in the way, so I went ahead and death chilled the devout.

Now is when it gets fun, John was able to take all attack effects off the devout and then charged my pistol wraith which was now corpreal. I thought I was screwed. I somehow survived the charge attack. The zealots took out Gorman who held up admirably this game as well as a few bile thralls and then cast the mini feat of can't be killed basically. After completing his turn the devout was outside of the range of Severus. I ran my last Arc Node up and hit Severus with parasite. Since my pistol wraith survived he was again incorpreal and he left melee with the devout and moved into range of Severus. I took the shot, hit, and then rolled an 11 damage to finish the game. This was another well balanced game between John and I. It also helped that we were able to drink beer. Nothing like a homebrewed nut brown ale followed by a Sierra Nevada Porter. I left John with a couple of the nut brown ales a couple of suprise homebrews. There is a chance they could be something tasty, and there is a chance that they are from the batch of stout I made that did not ferment properly.


My choice for menite MVP is that devout, that thing is a pain in the ass. It blocked line of sight, it jumped in front of shots, it has reach. It made this one of the hardest assination attempts I have ever tried.

Cryx MVP-That one pistol wraith was able to get off 3 attacks without getting killed. That is a new record for me.

Now to the pain. John and I decided to team up for a two-on-two against Adam playing Khador and another guy that was fielding Legion. We each had 500 point armies. I'm not even sure what to say about this except that Denny ended up dying in the second round to a Dragoon that charged me after being thrown at my by some giant beast. It was not pretty. I continued to help John where I could with the pistol wraiths, bile thralls, and mechanithralls, but in the end the Dragoon finished the job by charging John's caster. This style of game was an interesting concept but John and I were definately not prepared. We did not have the time to think through how our armies could best work together and it seems that Adam had been thinking about this for some time.

Well that is enough about that. I am not even sure how to put that in the win-loss column so for now I'm calling it specialty battles.

I promise that eventually I will get some more pictures in here. That just seems like a lot of effort get the camera out lately. I think that John and I should actually film a turn sometime and edit it down and get that posted. I'm not sure how entertaining it would be, but I'm always up for the criticism.


Anonymous said...

Gratz on the win! Wait til John has Blessing of Vengeance - all the joy of an arc node, with the Devout's defensive strike, and +2 damage to spells arced from Severius ;)

Anonymous said...

I am game for the filming thing. It might be a hoot!

Shaun said...

I really need to get someone that is a cryx fan or at least not a biased PoM lover to comment on this blog. :)

I am hoping to pick up some stuff here in the next couple of months, looking at either bane thralls or bane nights and bane lord tartarus. It is about time I get some weapons masters to counter those knights.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I can rant and rave about Searforge if you prefer :P Bane Knights w/ Tartarus are freakin' broken. You'll love 'em